What is a Sentence in English Grammar

What is a Sentence in English Grammar?

What is a Sentence in English Grammar 

A sentence is a rule-governed structure of words made up of one or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. It is the highest grammatical unit on the grammatical rank scale.  It is acceptable to say that an independent clause is equivalent to a sentence. Sentences are capable of expressing complete sense, meaning, and thoughts.

Table of content

  1. What is a Sentence in English Grammar?

  1. Classifications of Sentences

           a. What is a simple sentence?

           b. What is a compound sentence? 

           c. What is a complex sentence?

           d. What is a compound-Complex sentence?

           a. What is a declarative sentence?

           b. What is an imperative sentence?

           c. What is an interrogative sentence?

           d. What is a negative sentence?

           e. What is an exclamatory sentence? 

Examples of Sentences

a. I work.

b. He lives here.

c. The boys are going to school.

d. John lacks good mannerisms.

e. My favorite food is Indomie.

Sentences are grouped differently based on two major criteria: One is based on the structures and forms of the sentences, and the other is based on the functions they exhibit. Simply put, sentences are grouped based on structure and function.

Classification of sentences by Structure

1. Simple  sentence

2. Compound sentence

3. Complex sentence

4. Compound-Complex sentence

What is a simple sentence?

 A simple sentence s a sentence that is made up of one independent or main clause. Put another way, it is a sentence that expresses a single idea or proposition. Also, a simple sentence has just one subject and a predicate.

See also:  What is a clause

Note: Every sentence must end with a full stop(.), a question mark(?) or an exclamation mark(!). 

Examples of Simple Sentences

a. I work.

b. They are here.

c. He will go.

d. These books are yours.

e. The book is over there.

f. You have to go to the mall.

What is a compound sentence?

 Compound sentences are a combination of two simple sentences. What this implies is that a compound sentence is composed of two simple sentences or two independent clauses. They express two ideas or propositions because they could have two subjects, or just one acting in both sentences, or the one being described by the sentences. The two clauses that form a compound sentence are joined by coordinating conjunctions e.g., For, And, Nor, But, etc.,.

Examples of Compound Sentences

a. I work and eat. (Single subject)

b. She dances well, but he has a lot to learn. (Multi-subject)

c. You can go home, or stay with me. (Single subject)

d. He liked her, so they organized a party for them. (Multi-subject)

What is a complex sentences?

Complex sentences express a single idea and a supporting idea. The structure of a complex sentence contains a main clause and a subordinate clause that supplies additional information to the main clause. Complex sentences are simply sentences with a main idea and a supporting idea that further explains the main idea or clarifies it. Dependent clauses in a complex sentence could provide circumstantial information about the main idea and proposition. Complex sentences are mostly introduced by subordinating conjunctions or adverbs where the subordinate clause is separated from the main clause by a comma.

N:B: Subordinate adverbs and conjunctions have been emboldened in the examples.

Examples of a Complex Sentence

a. Although he liked her, he could not marry her.

b. They are wise even though they don't look like it. 

c. I played football while you slept.

d. He ate his food after he listened to the news.

e. You can play wherever you want.

What is a Compound-Complex sentence?

Compound-Complex sentences are sentences that are made up of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. They are the largest structure of sentences and take the highest number of clauses in their formation. It could have two or more main ideas or propositions and one or more supporting ideas represented by dependent clauses. 

Examples of Compound-Complex Sentences 

a. I am waiting and she is busy playing even though we ought to leave now.

b. It is my favorite book, but she took it before I got the chance.

c. I liked your dressing and the way you talked before you became my enemy after they won the bet.

d. John hated it and Marcela loved it whenever I played the piano.

Classification of sentences by Function

1. Declarative sentences

2. Imperative sentences

3. Interrogative sentences

4.. Negative sentences

5. Exclamatory sentences

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What is a declarative sentence?

Declarative sentences are sentences that state facts or general truths, give affirmations, answer questions, or make decisions.

Examples of declarative sentences;

a. I am a boy.

b. You will feel the pain of losing a relay race.

c. They can do it.

d. It is possible.

e. We like it.

What is an imperative sentence?

Imperative sentences are sentences that issue commands or give instructions. They can also be referred to as commands, and they lack subjects because their subjects are usually implied from the circumstances surrounding the commands. They can contain only a verb or a verb and other elements in the predicate.

Examples of imperative sentences;

a. Go home.

b. Play fair.

c. Stand up.

d. Wash the dishes.

e. Let the cat out of the bag.

What is an interrogative sentence?

Interrogative sentences are sentences that take the form of questions demanding information using the "WH" words such as: where, when, how, why, or modals such as will, would, should, must, etc.,. Interrogatives are commonly used in day-to-day activities to request information or enlightenment. Interrogative sentences end with a question mark.

Examples of interrogative sentences;

a. Where is the book?

b. How old are you?

c. Will you come?

d. Can you cope?

e. Where is the book?

f. What is your name?

What is a negative sentence?

 Negative sentences are sentences that transform declarative sentences into negation. They are predominantly identified by the presence of the particle 'not. They indicate a lack of certain qualities or denial of permission.

Examples of negative sentences;

a. I am not a girl.

b. We don't like you.

c. You don't have the right to take a life.

d. They can't hide from the law.

What is an exclamatory sentence?

 Exclamatory sentences are sentences that express: surprise, enthusiasm, shock, joy, etc.,. These sentences end with exclamation marks (!).

Examples of interrogative sentences;

a. We are ready!

b. They lied!

c. It's impossible!

d. Oh my God!

e. Good heavens! 

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